“Family 4” Dynamic Jump
(Air Turn, Free Fall, Gainer, Butterfly, Off Axis) Small Medium Large Feet and hand(s) not landing on the floor at the same time 0.1 0.3 0.5 Free Fall: position of the body above 30° horizontal 0.3 Gainer: position of the body above horizontal 0.3 Butterfly: without 1/2 turn on the floor before takeoff. 0.5 Butterfly: uncontrolled arms / legs 0.1 Butterfly: body not extended in airborne 0.1 0.3 Butterfly: position of the body (trunk/legs) above or under horizontal 0.1 0.3 Off Axis: position of the body is not out of axis 0.3
(Air Turn, Free Fall, Gainer, Butterfly, Off Axis) Small Medium Large Feet and hand(s) not landing on the floor at the same time 0.1 0.3 0.5 Free Fall: position of the body above 30° horizontal 0.3 Gainer: position of the body above horizontal 0.3 Butterfly: without 1/2 turn on the floor before takeoff. 0.5 Butterfly: uncontrolled arms / legs 0.1 Butterfly: body not extended in airborne 0.1 0.3 Butterfly: position of the body (trunk/legs) above or under horizontal 0.1 0.3 Off Axis: position of the body is not out of axis 0.3
“Family 5” Form Jump
(Tuck, Cossack, Pike, Straddle/Frontal Split) Small Medium Large Tuck: Knees lower than waist level 0.1 0.3 0.5 Cossack, Pike, Straddle, Frontal Split: leg(s) lower than horizontal line 0.1 0.3 0.5 Straddle: legs not symmetrical 0.1 0.3
(Tuck, Cossack, Pike, Straddle/Frontal Split) Small Medium Large Tuck: Knees lower than waist level 0.1 0.3 0.5 Cossack, Pike, Straddle, Frontal Split: leg(s) lower than horizontal line 0.1 0.3 0.5 Straddle: legs not symmetrical 0.1 0.3
“Family 6” Split Leap / Jump
(Scissors Leap,
Switch Split, Sagittal Split) Small Medium Large Scissors Leap, Switch Split: leading leg not parallel to the floor 0.1 0.3 0.5 Split elements: legs angle less than 180° 0.1
(170°) 0.3
(150°) 0.5
(Scissors Leap,
Switch Split, Sagittal Split) Small Medium Large Scissors Leap, Switch Split: leading leg not parallel to the floor 0.1 0.3 0.5 Split elements: legs angle less than 180° 0.1
(170°) 0.3
(150°) 0.5