The FIG Aerobic Gymnastics Technical Committee is pleased to provide this final Code of Points 2013/2016 to the FIG EC and the FIG Members Federations, proposed for implementation January 1st 2013 - 2016.
The Code of Points has taken into account suggestions made by
The FIG Continental Unions Aerobic Gymnastics Technical Committee FIG Member Federations during the AER Symposium 2011 International Experts and FIG Aerobic Gymnastics Working Group Experts. FIG Aerobic Gymnastics Athletes Representative FIG Aerobic Gymnastics Technical Committee Members
The Code of Points has taken into account suggestions made by
The FIG Continental Unions Aerobic Gymnastics Technical Committee FIG Member Federations during the AER Symposium 2011 International Experts and FIG Aerobic Gymnastics Working Group Experts. FIG Aerobic Gymnastics Athletes Representative FIG Aerobic Gymnastics Technical Committee Members
The most important changes are reflected in:
FIG Code of Points Artistic contents and Appendix 1 rewritten. Execution simplified with accompanying illustrated tables of deductions. Written description in Appendix II reviewed and corrected. Minimum requirements reviewed and some Difficulty values readjusted. Review of the Difficulty element pool. All categories: length of exercise 1’30” and 10 difficulty elements. Review of the Co-efficient for Trios and Groups. Reduction to two lifts for MP, TR and GR. Reduction to 5 members in GR category. Floor area: 10 m x 10m for all Senior categories. Tie breaking rule ONLY for Qualification. Review of the Prohibited moves list with accompanying illustrated table. Appendix V: Review of the World Age Group Programme. Appendix VI: Aero Dance FIG rules. Appendix VII: Aero Step FIG rules.
I wish to thank the present Aerobic Gymnastics Technical Committee for their unstinting work in creating this new Code of Points.
On behalf of the Aerobic Gymnastics Technical Committee; I wish also to thank N.Vieru (ROU) for his recommendations and guidance during the last two cycles, Slava Corn, FIG Vice President, responsible for Aerobic Gymnastics, and John Atkinson, Honorary FIG Vice President and former FIG AER TC President for their support, cooperation and their valuable advices during all this cycle.
All of the members of the FIG Aerobic Gymnastics Committee contributed to the revision of this Code of Points.
Mireille Ganzin President FRA
Tammy Yagi-Kitagawa Vice President JPN
Wang Hong Vice President CHN
Maria Mineva Member BUL
Svetlana Lukina Member RUS
Sergio Garcia Member ESP
Maria Fumea Member ROU
The Aerobic Gymnastics Technical Committee wishes to thank Lyn Heward from Cirque du Soleil and Daniella Nanova, Choreographer and former Rythmic Gymnastics Champion for their cooperation and their very useful advices.
The Aerobic Gymnastics Technical Committee wishes to thank also Gerald Bidault (FRA) for his exceptionnal work done for creating the “Interactive Code of Points” on FIG web site, including code of points with drawings, shorthands and videos.
Drawings: Elena Krioutchek (RUS), Gerald Bidault (FRA)
Mireille Ganzin President FRA
Tammy Yagi-Kitagawa Vice President JPN
Wang Hong Vice President CHN
Maria Mineva Member BUL
Svetlana Lukina Member RUS
Sergio Garcia Member ESP
Maria Fumea Member ROU
The Aerobic Gymnastics Technical Committee wishes to thank Lyn Heward from Cirque du Soleil and Daniella Nanova, Choreographer and former Rythmic Gymnastics Champion for their cooperation and their very useful advices.
The Aerobic Gymnastics Technical Committee wishes to thank also Gerald Bidault (FRA) for his exceptionnal work done for creating the “Interactive Code of Points” on FIG web site, including code of points with drawings, shorthands and videos.
Drawings: Elena Krioutchek (RUS), Gerald Bidault (FRA)