Group choreography of 8 competitors, utilizing the Aerobic movements in Dance Style. 
The routine must include 32 to 64 counts of STREET DANCE, as a 2nd style. The routine may include acrobatic and/or difficulty elements but they will not receive any value.


 AEROBIC DANCE : group of 8 competitors (males/females/mixed)


18 years or more in the year of the competition


1’ 20” ± 5”


10m x 10m


Any style of music


Athletic Appearance. Unitard or Two-piece leotard (Pants, long leggings, shorts and tops) are allowed. The underwear must not be seen. The attire can be different between the members but should be harmonized. Too large (loose) clothes are not allowed. The competitor must wear supportive aerobic or sports shoes. Hair must be secured close to the head. Additional items (tubes, sticks, balls, etc.), and accessories (belts, braces, bands, etc.) are not allowed. Attire depicting war, violence or religious themes is forbidden. Not sequins allowed for men.


1 lift optional and will not receive a value. 

ARTISTIC (10 points)

1.  Composition (complex & original): Music & Musicality Dance Content General Content Space / Formation  
2.  Performance:
E.                Artistry

EXECUTION (10 points)

Technical Skill     7 pts. Synchronization  3 pts


The routine may include movements from other disciplines (without excessive use) well integrated into the Choreography.
Combination of acrobatic elements:
Maximum of 2 acrobatic elements in combination (=set) may be performed but must perform at the same time.  If the same or different combination is performed consecutively, it will be counted as 2 or more.
If a different combination is performed at the same time, it will be counted as 1 set. Maximum of 3 sets of combinations may be performed.
Round off + flic flac + salto = DEDUCTION
Round off + salto = NO DEDUCTION
  More than 2 acrobatic elements performed in combination  (=sets):                                                                     -0.5 each time More than 3 acrobatic combination (sets) in the whole routine                                                                        -0.5 each time


Chair of Judges’ Panel (1), A (4), E (4), Line (2), Time (1)

Next Element :