The Difficulty Judges evaluate and give a difficulty value (0.0 to 1.0) to the elements provided the minimum requirements for the difficulty elements are fulfilled.
Difficulty Judges count all the elements performed and give a value to the10 first elements performed.
Elements with a fall will be counted as elements performed, will count for the GROUP OF ELEMENTS BUT will receive ZERO (0) value.
In group C, element as the following execution will be considered as the same value:
. Take off from 1 foot or two feet
. Landing in sagital split or frontal split
. Landing in 1 arm PU or Wenson


Two elements, from the ten chosen elements from groups A &C but from different group families, can be combined DIRECTLY without any stop, hesitation or transition.

To combine 2 elements from Group C, the free leg of the first element after landing must join the landing leg and can then be used for the take off for the second element.
• Group A: Helicopter + A-Frame to Wenson
• Group C: 1/1 turns Tuck jump + Air turn to split
• Group C: Straddle jump + Pike jump to PU.
• Group C & A: Straddle jump to push up + Plio PU airborne

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