Document sans nom td { text-align: center; } National Development  Age Group 1 Age Group 2  AGE 10-12 in the year of the competition  12-14 in the year of the competition  15-17 in the year of the competition  CATEGORIES Individuals(co-ed), TR IW, IM, MP, TR, GR  IW, IM, MP, TR, GR  EXCEPTIONS No 1 arm push up
No 1 arm support
No 1 arm landing  No 1 arm push up
No 1 arm support
No 1 arm landing  No 1 arm landing  MUSIC LENGTH

1 minute 15 seconds (+/- 5sec)
Any style of music adapted for Aerobic Gymnastics 

1 minute 30 seconds (+/- 5sec) Any style of music adapted for Aerobic Gymnastics  1 minute 30 sec. (+/- 5sec) for IW & IM
1 minute 45 sec. (+/- 5sec) for MP, TR and GR
Any style of music adapted for Aerobic Gym. TOTAL DIFF ELEMENTS 6 8 10 COMPETITION SPACE 7 X 7 : IM – IW – MP – TR 10 X 10 : GR      COMPULSORY ELEMENTS (must be performed without combination)  3
A 101 Straddle PU  
C 262 Tuck Jump,  
D 181 Split on floor  4
A 101 Triceps PU
B 102 Straddle Support    
C 103 Air Turn
D 213 Split through-Pancake 4
A 143 Wenson PU
B 104 Straddle Support 1/1 turn
C 383 Straddle Jump
D 183 Free support Vertical Split  ELEMENTS ALLOWED VALUE  0.1 – 0.4  0.1 – 0.5  0.1 – 0.6 with 1 element of 0.7  FLOOR ELEMENTS Maximum 4  Maximum 6  Maximum 6 PUSH UP LANDING 0 Maximum 1 Maximum 2 SPLIT LANDING  Maximum 1 Maximum 1 Maximum 2 ELEMENT POOL
(Group A, B, C, D)  1 element from each group  2 elements from each group 2 elements from each group LIFTS  1 1 2 ATTIRE  FIG Code of Points Optional tights are allowed Form fitting body shorts are allowed for both boys and girls.  FIG Code of Points  FIG Code of Points  JUDGES’ PANEL 2-ART, 2-EXEC, 2-DIFF, 2-LINE, 1-TIME, 1-CHAIR  (Artistic and Execution score: average of 2 judges)  All judging rules and regulations accord with the FIG Technical Regulations, the Sports Aerobics Code of Points and the Judges’ charter DEDUCTIONS All other deductions as per FIG Code EXCEPT   -1.0 for element values higher than 0.4
-1.0 for elements in 1 arm support, push up, or landing to 1 arm   -1.0 for element values higher than 0.5
-1.0 for elements in 1 arm support, push up, or landing to 1 arm   -1.0 for element values higher than 0.7 -1.0 for elements in 1 arm landing  TEAM RANKING  No team ranking in International Age Group. 

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